
Preparing funding applications and administering successful grants, including Heritage Lottery Fund and European Funding

Project Management

Provision of project management services, including project planning, monitoring and evaluation

Partnership Development

Enabling more collaborative approaches to delivery, including securing new partners and managing existing partners

Business Planning

Supporting the preparation of business plans, including strategy development, market research and financial forecasting

Community Engagement

Engaging communities in the process of project planning and delivery to ensure a more ‘bottom up’ approach

Environment & Heritage Planning

Provision of qualified town planning advice and support, with a focus on environment, heritage and arts/culture place-based projects


About Us

Scott B Sullivan Associates is there to help people transform places through clear and deliverable plans and projects. While place making is driven by people, good planning certainly helps.

If you are looking to transform a place and require funding, project expertise or help negotiating the planning system, SBSA can support you.

Latest News
11Jun 20

Festival of Archaeology

SBSA have been appointed to lead the evaluation for the Council for British Archaeology's (CBA) Festival of Archaeology. Given the ongoing pandemic, the Festival is trialling a shift from its traditional…

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11May 20

COVID-19 Update

SBSA continues to service clients and support local communities during the pandemic. Whilst these are highly uncertain times, it is business as usual for SBSA.  We have been able to…

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